• Компания туралы пікір Difmark
    Отзыв одобрен к публикации Пікірді бағалаңыз 1
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    Тапсырысты рәсімдеудің ыңғайлылығы
    Дүкен жеткізу қызметінің жұмысы
    Тауарды қайтару ыңғайлылығы


    I worked as a seller on this site, they refuse to return my money.
    For all the time I worked on the site, I did not have negative reviews or other problems with customers.

    (Calculation based on the entire history of transactions)
    Withdrawn to card from open balance 210,600.6
    The entire commission amounted to 7,148.67, we get the amount of 203,451.93 (minus the last amount of 37,359.78 which they refuse to return to me)

    Based on the entire hold (money that is on the closed balance 3 days after it goes to the open balance)
    222,515.65 rubles
    Withdrawal fee 3% -6,675.4695
    We get the amount 215 840.1805
    Missing 12,388.2505.
    (the last application for withdrawal of funds in the amount of 37,359.78 was refused to be returned to me, that is, they did not pay the total amount of 49,748.0305)

    I worked as a seller on this site, after several months of cooperation, I noticed that small payments began to be debited from me from each transaction, that is, after the commission was debited and the hold time (3 days) passed, the money went to the open balance with the deduction of a different small amount each time , every time when I wrote to the support that they would check and solve my problem, they either ignored me or answered me and then ignored my problem. And only once the manager Kirill called me and immediately began to question all my evidence, and he himself could not prove that I was wrong, because when we looked at the write-off history from the hoist, it turned out that small payments were nevertheless written off and he returned only one hold ~ 195 rubles, regarding the rest of the missing amounts, he replied that he could no longer check it, he considered that these errors did not exist and refused to recalculate, each of his answers was different and did not correspond to reality and logic, answered questions that I did not even asked thereby ignored a specific problem, that is, he tried in every possible way to mislead me. After I said that I was leaving the site and asked to withdraw all my money from the available balance, the manager Kirill closed all the holds and submitted an application for withdrawing funds from the balance. The next day, they began to sort things out with me that I was talking rudely with them, that in general I was an infantile person and stupid because a citizen of Russia, in fact, all the time they received threats and hidden insults. I was blocked in all chats and refuse to return the money. A few days later, I told them that all sold game keys would be blocked and buyers would not be able to play their purchased games, they answered me something like "this is not our problem", that is, their main task is to get money from sales, but for buyers They don’t care about the sellers in general.

    After I wrote to support to check why small payments were being deducted from my available balance, and even before I was blocked, roughly speaking, they sent me to hell, I recalculated and it turned out that ~ 12,000 rubles were missing, I was not paid this amount. When the manager answered me on the issue of these ~ 12,000 rubles, he said that this was a written-off commission for returns, an interesting fact was that there were 4-5 returns all the time and the amounts of returns were small from ~ 500-1000 rubles, when I issue a refund, a small one should be written off the amount of some kind of%, what% was not reported to me for the entire time of cooperation, but as a result it turned out that the full amount of the cost of the goods was deducted from me, it turns out that the buyer received his money after the return and the same amount was debited from me. I asked to provide all the calculations for the return, since there is no information on the return in the history of the hold, they sent me to hell (refused). I was also threatened that I should not leave negative reviews, like something will follow after that. If someone is interested in learning more, please contact me by commercial mail, I will provide the entire history of correspondence and the entire history of transactions, you can clearly see how the differential mark actually works and draw conclusions whether it is worth working with them or whether it is worth making purchases.

Компания туралы шынайы адамдардың шынайы пікірлері Difmark

  • Анонимді пайдаланушы 10 айлар бұрын
    Пікірді бағалаңыз 0

    Көркем фильм ******

    Егер Сізді ешкім алдамаса, қолдаудан бастайық ) Пікірлер бұрмаланған, көптеген сатушылар сатып алуды растағаннан кейін өздеріне қайтарады, әрине, барабар, бірақ олардың саны өте аз Кепілдіктер жоқ бұл таза алдау, ойын/бағдарламалық жасақтаманы сатып алудың басқа қызметтеріне назар аударған жөн
  • Анонимді пайдаланушы 11 айлар бұрын
    Пікірді бағалаңыз 1


    ру ойыншыларына кіруді жауып тастады
  • Ivan 11 айлар бұрын
    Пікірді бағалаңыз 0

    Мен мұнда сатып алуға кеңес бермеймін

    Бұл платформада көптеген сатушылар жұмыс істейді және олардың барлығында бірдей мәселе бар — олар қоғамдық шоттарды сатады және сіз оларға бірнеше айдан кейін қол жеткізе алатыныңызға сенімді бола алмайсыз. ОНДА НАҚТЫ АДАМДАРДЫҢ ПІКІРЛЕРІН ОҚЫҢЫЗ ЖӘНЕ ҚЫСҚА ЖАЛҒАН ПІКІРЛЕРГЕ СЕНБЕҢІЗ!!! Мен ойынды... Бұдан әрі оқып отыру
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Компания туралы пікірлер бойынша Статистика Difmark
120 отзывов
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Дүкен жеткізу қызметінің жұмысы
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