100% AVOID booking through Busbud. I followed the steps to cancel two tickets online that I had previously purchased as I had subsequently booked two tickets on a more convenient time bus that same day. However, on the day of travel I checked my emails and saw I had a 24 hour notification email for the bus I had cancelled. At this stage it was too late to try to cancel it again, and I checked my online banking and saw they had never actually refunded us for it…. To top this all off, I contacted Busbud support via 3 different avenues and got zero response – this is really shocking!! I’m pretty disgusted that the support team has completely ignored my messages, essentially refusing to help rectify their own mistake. The money I have lost from the bus that should have been refunded to me was not an inconsiderable amount so this has put me off ever using the website again. My advice is to book elsewhere as Busbud is not reliable!! We also had another issue a few weeks earlier which was actually the opposite – they randomly cancelled and refunded one of our tickets at the last minute for no reason, leaving us stranded in a random town in Colombia and messing up our travel plans for the whole day…
Компания туралы шынайы адамдардың шынайы пікірлері Busbud
Хуй Вам8 айлар бұрын
Пікірді бағалаңыз0
Қателігі үшін ақшаны қайтарған жоқ
Олар дұрыс мекен-жайды көрсетпеді, енді мен станцияға кешігіп келдім және ақшаны қайтармаймын,хабарласуды ұсынбаймын дейді
Sergiy Proskurin1 жыл бұрын
Пікірді бағалаңыз0
Билет те ақша да жоқ
Нурлан Керекбаев1 жыл бұрын
Пікірді бағалаңыз0
Мен Бургас - Стамбул автобусына билет сатып алдым, жөнелтуге келдім, мен жолаушылар тізімінде жоқпын! Мен билетті тағы бір рет сатып алуым керек еді!
100% AVOID booking through Busbud
100% AVOID booking through Busbud. I followed the steps to cancel two tickets online that I had previously purchased as I had subsequently booked two tickets on a more convenient time bus that same day. However, on the day of travel I checked my emails and saw I had a 24 hour notification email for the bus I had cancelled. At this stage it was too late to try to cancel it again, and I checked my online banking and saw they had never actually refunded us for it…. To top this all off, I contacted Busbud support via 3 different avenues and got zero response – this is really shocking!! I’m pretty disgusted that the support team has completely ignored my messages, essentially refusing to help rectify their own mistake. The money I have lost from the bus that should have been refunded to me was not an inconsiderable amount so this has put me off ever using the website again. My advice is to book elsewhere as Busbud is not reliable!! We also had another issue a few weeks earlier which was actually the opposite – they randomly cancelled and refunded one of our tickets at the last minute for no reason, leaving us stranded in a random town in Colombia and messing up our travel plans for the whole day…